10 best workout exercises before handling a golf club
The golf game deserves good workouts to stay fit on the course and play a better match. Generally, when golfers start to experience pain in their bodies after a few rounds, they assume something is wrong with their golf clubs or swings. Even when they had a bad game, they still found a way to blame poor swings mechanics.
While that might not be wrong, not many golfers always consider that pains or bad games can result from inflexibility or weakness.
I expect you to know that golf is ballistic. It involves moments of exertion. It is also a one-sided game. You would have to swing with your golf club for about 75 – 1 00 times from only one side of your body in an average competition. Can you imagine how painful and frustrating that could be? It can create some muscle imbalances and painful injuries.
Having known all that, you will agree with me that golf as a game requires regular exercise to have a better grip of your golf club and play the game more frequently without breaking down. Now that you have known that running to a swing coach might not be your ultimate solution let’s take a close look at your physical fitness.
The key to improved usage of your golf club on the course is an off-the-course program that can make you more flexible and mobile. When you are physically fit, you will have the capacity to make better swings.
It’s time to introduce you to the best 100 workouts that can help you better handle your golf club, stabilize your shoulders and wrists, and help build the strength and power needed to make better swings.
1. Seated Rotations
This workout practice will help improve your rotational mobility, which is very crucial to your swing. And, the swing is one of the essential skills of the game.
How to do seated rotations:
Sit straddling on a bench, or squeeze a pad or towel between your knees. Then, hold a club behind your back with your arms, so it sits in your elbows. Also, set your palms flat on your stomach and maintain the same posture. Rotate your torso to the right while you hold for two seconds without moving your body. Return to the position you started from, then continue to the left, hold on for about two seconds, and alternate sides, 10 to each side.
2. Standing Ys
Standing Ys will improve your shoulder mobility. It will also counteract the adverse effects of sitting.
How to do standing Ys:
Bend over at your waist with a flat back and chest. Hold a golf club within a supinated grip. That is, your palms are facing up). Pull your shoulder blades down and raise your arms above your head to form a Y. Return to the starting position. That’s one rep.
3. Hand-walks
Hand-walks prevent your elbow and lessen the risk of having a shoulder injury.
How to do Hand-walks:
Stand to begin to bend forward at the waist and set your hands on the ground. Walk your hands out slowly into a pushup position. Ensure you keep the knees straight, walk your toes toward your hands.
4. A 90/90 Stretch
How to do it. Lie on one side with a straight leg and a bent leg inside the knee on the ground. Rotate your back, attempting to put the entire shoulder blade on the floor. Hold 2 seconds, return to your starting position, and repeat for ten reps. Switch sides.
5. Lateral Pillar Bridge
How to do it: Lie with a straight bodyline in with your elbow under your shoulder. Push your hip away from the ground, creating a straight line from the ankle to your shoulder. Hold on for three seconds. Do ten reps on one side and then ten on the other side. Also, keep your head in line with your spine—don’t sag or bend.
6. Medicine Ball Parallel Throw
How to do it: While standing against a solid wall about 3 feet away. Hold a medicine ball at waist level. Rotate your trunk away from the wall. In one motion, make a throw by thrusting your hips toward the wall, followed by your chest, arms, and the ball. When the ball bounces off the wall, catch it with a single hand under the ball, put the other hand behind it, and arms slightly bent. Repeat for ten reps, then switch sides.
7. Medicine Ball Perpendicular Throw
How to do it: Start with perpendicular hips to the wall. Then, rotate your torso 90 degrees away from the wall, and then rotate 180 degrees and throw the ball at the border, catching it on the rebound.
Repeat for ten reps, then switch sides.
8. Physioball Pushup
How to do Physioball Pushup: Start by using a pushup position while the hands and feet are on the floor. Also, lower yourself down a bit without touching the ball. As you push up, control your body and the ball near your chest. Keep the ball away as soon as possible.
9. A Dumbbell Bench Press – One Arm
How to do the Dumbbell Bench Press on One Arm: lie on a bench with the left glute and shoulder aligning and the right sides aligning too. While holding the dumbbell in one hand, raise it above the head with the other hand. In addition, lower the bodyweight until you make a horizontal plane with your shoulder.
10. Glute Bridge
How to do Glute Bridge: lay flat on the floor, bending your knees at 90 degrees. Then squeeze a towel between your knees while firing your glutes. You can also bridge your hip against the ceiling while the shoulders remain on the ground. Then, lower your hips and repeat this procedure.
The key to improved usage of your golf club on the course is an off-the-course program that can make you more flexible and mobile. When you are physically fit, you will have the capacity to make better swings.